
Children from the ages of 6 weeks to 24 months are accepted for the program. The infants are closely watched during the entire day by members of the staff. The child's routine, development, and hygiene are the main concerns of the teachers. Daily infant activities include supervised playtime, feeding, and naps. Children are also taken outside for "stroller rides" or nature walks around the school grounds. The child to staff ratio is 4 to 1.

We are extremely proud of our Infant Program and we will make every effort to provide your babies with the very best care. We consider your children OUR children. They are the most important aspect of our school. In designing our program, we take the individual needs of every child into consideration, including age and developmental appropriateness. Based on these needs, we divide our infants into two groups, each with their own room.

Child to Teacher Ratio: 4:1

California Department of Social Services - Form LIC 9221
Please fill out and submit when your child has need for taking medications at school.

Our Infant Classrooms & Routine

Infant Room A

Advanced Walkers

14 months to 24 months

Infant Room B

Non-Crawlers to Beginning Crawlers

6 weeks to 12 months(or when child begins to crawl)
Due to the nature of this age group, this classroom does not follow a set schedule.

Infant Room C

Advanced Walkers

14 months to 24 months

Infant Room D

Crawlers to Beginning Walkers

12 months to 14 months
Infant Daily Routine

Infant Calendar & Events
