Rainbow Montessori looks at the toddler as a child between 24 months and 36 months. It is a period characterized by the need to explore everything, and to move and develop large motor coordination and strength. We believe there is a huge expansion into language during this stage. The toddler develops a capacity to create symbols, images and concepts, and become aware of him/herself as a separate and independent person. The mastering of toilet training is a focal point at this age.
Child to Teacher Ratio: 12:1
Child to Teacher Ratio: 12:1
California Department of Social Services - Form LIC 9221
Please fill out and submit when your child has need for taking medications at school.
Please fill out and submit when your child has need for taking medications at school.
Our Toddler Classrooms, Schedule & Calendar
Our Toddler Classrooms, Schedule & Calendar
H1 Classroom
H1 Classroom
5 teachers with max enrollment of 36 children
H2 Classroom
H2 Classroom
5 teachers with max enrollment of 36 children